429 Stands for Throttling

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On September 1, 2019, our API will start returning 429 HTTP status code instead of 503 error when the throttling limits are violated.

Guided by the best API practices, we’ve decided to switch to the more appropriate 429 code to state that you’ve hit the call limits and should back off a little. Currently, when you get 503 code, you cannot understand who is to blame — whether it’s our server that is unavailable, or you that have reached the throttling limits.

This confusion will sink into oblivion in September. 503 will continue to mean an unavailable server, while 429 will stand for the call limits violation.

503 is an unavailable server, and 429 is hitting rate limits

Being kicked out is sad, but healthy API is good for both you and us. Should you get 429 Too Many Requests error, send your call again in a number of seconds stated in the Retry-After header.

For more details on our API call limits, see Throttling.
