Response Codes
The ServiceChannel API returns conventional HTTP status codes as well as in-body error codes and messages.
When you get a response, carefully examine the HTTP status code, in-body error codes, and error message to find the best solution to a problem.
HTTP Status Codes
Usually, 200
or 201
status codes mark a successful request, 4xx
codes indicate that there is an error in the request itself, while codes in the 5xx
range state that something went wrong on the ServiceChannel end.
The tables below describe HTTP codes that you may receive.
1xx Informational
Code | Text | Description |
100 | Continue | The server has received the request headers. You can send the request body. |
101 | Switching Protocols | The server is changing to the protocol specified in the Upgrade header. |
2xx Success
Code | Text | Description |
200 | OK | The request was successful. |
201 | Created | The request was successful, and a new resource was created. |
202 | Accepted | The request has been accepted, but not yet processed. |
203 | Non-Authoritative Information | The request was successful, but the response data may be from a third party. |
204 | No Content | The request was successful, but there is no need to return any data. |
205 | Reset Content | The request was successful, but the server returned no data. Reset the document view to continue. |
206 | Partial Content | The server has returned only part of the resource due to the range request header. |
3xx Redirection
Code | Text | Description |
300 | Multiple Choices | The request has more than one representation options, for example, different file formats. Select a preferred representation, and redirect your request to the representation location. |
301 | Moved Permanently | The resource you requested has been permanently moved to a new location. Direct this and all future requests to the URI specified in the Location response header. |
302 | Found | The resource you requested has been temporarily moved to a new location. Direct this request to the temporary URI specified in the Location response header, but continue using the original URI for future requests. |
303 | See Other | You can find the response to your request under another URI. Send a GET request to the URI specified in the Location response header. |
304 | Not Modified | The resource has not been modified since last requested, so there is no new data to return. |
305 | Use Proxy | Access the requested resource through the proxy provided in the Location response header. |
307 | Temporary Redirect | The resource you requested has been temporarily moved to a new location. Direct this request to the temporary URI specified in the Location response header, but continue using the original URI for future requests. In contrast to 302 , you cannot change the request method when reissuing the original request. |
4xx Client Error
Code | Text | Description |
400 | Bad Request | The request was not accepted due to bad syntax, missing parameters, insufficient data, etc. |
401 | Unauthorized | Missing or incorrect authentication credentials. |
403 | Forbidden | You are not authorized to request this resource, or the resource is unavailable for some reason. |
404 | Not Found | The request URI is incorrect, or the resource does not exist. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | You have used an incorrect request method. The Allow response header specifies methods supported by this resource. |
406 | Not Acceptable | The format specified in the Accept header is not supported. Usually, the possible format is JSON. See Output Formats for details. |
407 | Proxy Authentication Required | Authenticate yourself with the proxy, and then repeat the request adding a suitable Proxy-Authorization header. |
408 | Request Timeout | The server has timed out while waiting for the request. You can repeat the request without modifications at any later time. |
409 | Conflict | The server was not able to process the request because of a conflict. Study the response body to recognize the source of the problem. Resolve the conflict, and reissue the request. |
410 | Gone | The resource you requested is no longer available. Do not request this resource again in the future. |
411 | Length Required | You have not stated the length of the content, which is required by the server. Add a valid Content-Length header, and repeat the request. |
412 | Precondition Failed | The server could not meet one or more of the preconditions stated in the request headers. |
413 | Request Entity Too Large | The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process. |
414 | Request-URI Too Long | The provided URI is longer than the server is willing or able to interpret. You have probably used too many query-strings in a GET request. In this case, try to convert it into a POST request. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | The request contains a media type that the server or resource does not support. |
416 | Requested Range Not Satisfiable | The server cannot provide the portion of the data that you specified in the Range request header. It is possible that the range is outside the target data size. |
417 | Expectation Failed | The server could not meet the expectation stated in the Expect request header. |
426 | Upgrade Required | Switch to a protocol stated in the Upgrade header, and repeat the request. |
429 | Too Many Requests | You have reached the throttling limit. Check the Retry-After header to learn how long you should wait before making a follow-up request. |
5xx Server Error
Code | Text | Description |
500 | Internal Server Error | Something went wrong, and the server was unable to complete your request. Should this problem persists, click Help in the lower-right corner of the developer portal, and submit a bug report. |
501 | Not Implemented | The server cannot fulfill the request or does not recognize the request method. |
502 | Bad Gateway | The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server. |
503 | Service Unavailable | The server is currently unavailable. |
504 | Gateway Timeout | The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, has waited too long for a response from the upstream server. |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | The server does not support the HTTP version used in the request. |
Internal Error Codes and Messages
While HTTP codes describe the overall situation with the response, the body-based error messages provide more details about the problem. In addition to the descriptive text, the response body contains machine-parsable error codes. While we may change the descriptive text, the codes stay the same.
The ServiceChannel API returns error codes and messages in the response body.
"ErrorCodes": [
"ErrorCode": 911,
"ErrorMessage": "Failed to create workorder: Invalid 'Category'. Invalid 'Priority'. Subscriber has no specified Trade. Contract not found for specified subscribers location, provider and trade. Subscriber has no specified Location"
Attribute | Data type | Description |
ErrorCodes | Array of integers | The list of error codes. |
ErrorCode | Integer | The code of the first error found. |
ErrorMessage | String | The description of all errors. |
Use the tables below to map the error codes you have received to the error reasons.
1xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
100 | NotAllowed |
100 | EmptyProvider |
101 | InvalidProviderId |
102 | UnknownProvider |
103 | ProviderAlreadyExists |
150 | TimeoutExpiredError |
3xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
300 | EmptyContract |
301 | ContractUndefined |
4xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
400 | EmptySubscriber |
401 | InvalidSubscriberId |
402 | UnknownSubscriber |
403 | InactiveSubscriber |
5xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
501 | InternalError |
502 | DataNotFound |
503 | BadRequest |
504 | UnAuthorized |
505 | UnSupportedApplication |
6xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
600 | EmptyLocation |
601 | InvalidLocationId |
602 | UnknownLocation |
603 | LocationNotBelongsToSubscriber |
604 | EmptyLocationCountry |
605 | LocationAlreadyExists |
606 | InvalidStoreId |
607 | LocationEmptyState |
608 | NoAccessToLocation |
609 | LocationAddressValidationError |
610 | LocationAddressRequestValidationError |
7xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
700 | EmptyTrade |
701 | InvalidTrade |
702 | TradeNotBelongsToSubscriber |
703 | InvalidPrimaryTrade |
8xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
800 | EmptyUser |
801 | EmptyCreatedBy |
802 | InvalidUserName |
803 | NotProviderUser |
804 | UserHasNoPermissions |
805 | RestrictedAccount |
806 | UserAlreadyExists |
9xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
900 | EmptyWoProblem |
901 | InvalidWoProblemSource |
902 | InvalidWoProblemDescription |
903 | InvalidWoProblemCode |
904 | InvalidWoStatus |
905 | InvalidWoNte |
906 | InvalidWoCaller |
907 | InvalidWoCallDate |
908 | InvalidWoScheduledDate |
909 | InvalidWoScheduledDateGreaterThanMaxAllowed |
910 | EmptyWoCategory |
911 | InvalidWoCategory |
912 | EmptyWoPriority |
913 | InvalidWoPriority |
914 | InvalidWoCurrency |
915 | InvalidWoSetupId |
916 | AttachmentsRequired |
917 | InvalidWoIdentifier |
918 | EquipmentRequired |
919 | WoNteOverflow |
920 | InvalidWoPurchaseNumber |
921 | InvalidWoStateForUpdate |
922 | InvalidPagingParameter |
923 | InvalidWoNumber |
924 | CheckInDenied |
925 | CheckOutDenied |
926 | WoScheduledDateLessThenReassignDate |
927 | WoScheduledDateLessThenCallDate |
928 | InvalidWoActionReason |
929 | EmptySubscriberProperty |
930 | WorkOrderUpdateError |
931 | MissedWoNteDetails |
932 | InvalidLinkedWoIdentifier |
933 | WoIsOnHold |
934 | InvalidWoTrade |
935 | InvalidStarScore |
936 | WorkOrderAlreadyRated |
937 | AttachmentThumbnailNotAvailable |
938 | InvalidWoIdentifierOrPin |
939 | WorkOrderCreateError |
939 | InvalidTimeZoneHeader |
940 | RefrigerantWasUsedShouldBeYesOrNo |
941 | CheckInDeniedOutsideGeolocation |
942 | CheckOutDeniedOutsideGeolocation |
943 | LeakDetectorAuditShouldBeCreated |
944 | CheckInOutPremature |
10xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
1000 | InvalidSetupId |
1001 | IssueListNotFound |
1002 | InvalidIssueListField |
1010 | InvalidSiteAuditParameters |
11xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
1100 | InvalidOtherDesc |
1101 | InvalidTax2Name |
1102 | InvoiceInconsistentAmounts |
1103 | InvoiceInvalidTotal |
1104 | InvoiceTotalGreaterNte |
1105 | InvoiceExists |
1106 | CreatingInvoiceError |
1107 | DuplInvNumber |
1108 | InvoiceTotalNull |
1109 | InvComplDateNull |
1110 | InvDateLessComplDate |
1111 | InvoiceNotAuto |
1112 | ESignatureRequired |
1113 | InvWoNotFound |
1114 | InvWrongWoCurr |
1115 | InvWoCurrNotFound |
1116 | InvoicingDisabled |
1117 | InvCreationUnexpectedRes |
1119 | InvoiceInvalidLaborAmount |
1120 | InvoiceInvalidMaterialAmount |
1121 | InvDateOld |
1122 | InvDateGreater |
1123 | InvoiceTaxNotValidated |
1123 | InvoiceMaterialDescriptionLengthOverflow |
1124 | InvoiceMaterialPartNumberLengthOverflow |
1125 | TaxValidationError |
1126 | TaxExemptionError |
1127 | InvalidInvoiceNumber |
1128 | GetApprovalLevelsError |
1129 | InvoiceAddUsersToMliLevelsError |
1130 | InvoiceAddDeleteLocationsToMliLevelUserError |
1131 | InvoiceUpdateMLiLevelError |
1132 | InvoiceDeleteMliLevelError |
1133 | InvoiceDeleteUsersFromMliLevelError |
1134 | ApprovalLevelNameLengthOverflow |
1135 | GstTaxError |
1136 | Tax2Error |
1137 | GetApprovalLevelsAndLocationsByUserError |
1138 | GetAssignedUserShortInfoError |
1139 | AssignAllLocationsToApprovalLevelAndUserError |
1140 | GetLocationsForApprovalLevelAndAssignedUserError |
1141 | GetLocationsBySubscriberError |
1142 | AssignUserWithLocationsToApprovalLevelError |
1143 | ReAssignUserWithLocationsToNewApprovalLevelError |
1144 | ReAssignLocationsToApprovalLevelAndUserError |
1145 | OutstandingBalance |
1146 | InvoiceTaxDetailsEmpty |
1147 | InvoiceTaxDetailsIncorrectSum |
1148 | MultipleUsersForLocationIsNotAllowed |
1149 | UserAssignedToOtherLevel |
1150 | UserDoesNotExist |
1151 | LaborLineItemRequired |
1152 | MaterialLineItemRequired |
1153 | InvoiceDoesntExist |
1154 | InvoiceStarUnstarFailed |
1155 | InvoiceBatchUpdateInvalidInvoiceStatusError |
1156 | InvoiceBatchUpdateLimitExceededError |
1157 | InvoiceNotAvailableForCurrentUser |
1158 | InvoiceBatchUpdateInvalidRuleSetStructure |
1159 | InvoiceBatchUpdateInvalidMliStructure |
1160 | InvoiceBatchUpdateStatusError |
1161 | InvoiceMaterialUnitTypeInvalid |
1162 | ExistingBatchNumber |
1163 | InvoiceResolutionTextRequired |
1164 | GetInvoiceDefaultApprovalCodesError |
1165 | InvoiceInvalidTravelAmount |
1166 | InvoiceTravelDescriptionLengthOverflow |
1167 | InvoiceTravelUnitTypeInvalid |
1168 | TravelLineItemRequired |
1169 | TravelDetailsDisabled |
1170 | OnOffShoreDisabled |
1171 | InvoiceInvalidLaborCount |
1172 | InvoiceInvalidMaterialCount |
1173 | InvoiceInvalidTravelCount |
1174 | SubscriberNotRegisteredForTaxValidation |
1175 | ManyDecimalsInAmountError |
1176 | DecimalPartQstTaxError |
1177 | LaborRatesDiscrepancy |
1178 | PayInvoicesError |
1179 | InvoiceNumberRequirementsError |
1180 | InvoiceNumberIncorrect |
1181 | InvoiceNumberRegExPatternError |
1182 | GetInvoicesPendingApprovalByLocationError |
1183 | ReAssignInvoicesToUsersFailed |
1184 | ReAssignInvoicesUsersMatched |
1185 | GetUsersForReassignInvoiceError |
1186 | InvalidTimeRangeActivity |
1187 | OutsourcedSourceInvoiceNotFound |
1188 | OthersLineItemsDisabled |
1189 | InvoiceInvalidOtherAmount |
1190 | InvoiceInvalidOtherCount |
1191 | InvoiceOtherDescriptionLengthOverflow |
1192 | OtherLineItemRequired |
1193 | OtherLineItemsNotNegativeValueRequired |
1194 | InvalidLaborSkillLevel |
1195 | InvalidLaborType |
1196 | InvalidTechnicianQuantity |
1197 | GetInvoicesCommonCategoriesError |
1198 | InvoiceExplainDisputeEmpty |
12xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
1200 | TemplateParseSuccess |
1201 | TemplateIncorrectHeaderError |
1202 | TemplateEmptyTemplateError |
1203 | TemplateWrongFieldsCountError |
1204 | TemplateFieldNotFoundError |
1205 | TemplateFieldRequiredError |
1206 | TemplateParseIntError |
1207 | TemplateFieldSizeError |
1208 | TemplateInvalidValueError |
1209 | TemplateFieldFormatError |
1210 | TemplateFieldMaxRangeError |
1211 | TemplateFieldMinRangeError |
1212 | TemplateProviderNotEntered |
1213 | TemplateInvalidSubscriberError |
1214 | TemplateVendorNotFoundError |
1215 | TemplateMissedProviderError |
1216 | TemplateProviderNotFoundError |
1217 | TemplateProviderSubsccriberLinkError |
1218 | TemplateTradeDispatchRankError |
1219 | TemplateInvalidTradeForSubscriberError |
1220 | TemplateStoreNotFoundError |
1221 | TemplateNotStoresForStateError |
1222 | TemplateNotStoresForCountryError |
1223 | TemplateNotStoresForDistrictError |
1224 | TemplateNotStoresForRegionError |
1225 | TemplateMultiplePimaryProvidersForTradeStoreError |
1226 | TemplateDuplicatePrimaryRelationshipError |
1227 | TemplateAmbiguousDataError |
1228 | TemplateIncorrectSubscriber |
1229 | TemplateDuplicateRanking |
1230 | TemplateLongitudeRangeError |
1231 | TemplateLatitudeRangeError |
1240 | TemplateMissedSubscriberError |
1241 | TemplateMissedStoreIdError |
1242 | TemplateInvalidSubscriberIdError |
1243 | TemplateOpenCloseDateError |
1244 | TemplateInvalidCountryError |
1245 | TemplateInvalidStateForCountryError |
1246 | TemplateInvalidLocationTypeError |
1247 | TemplateMissingFullAndShortNameError |
1248 | TemplateMissingCountryError |
1249 | TemplateDuplicatedDataError |
1250 | TemplateParentLocationNotFoundError |
1251 | TemplateParseDateTimeError |
1252 | TemplateParseDecimalError |
1253 | TemplateSquareValueRangeError |
1254 | TemplateInvalidSquareMeasureError |
1260 | TemplateLocationNotFoundError |
1261 | TemplateDuplicatedLocationFoundError |
1262 | TemplateInvalidLocationHeaderError |
1263 | TemplateDuplicatedLocationHeaderError |
1264 | TemplateHeaderContainsEmptyFieldsError |
1265 | TemplateLocHeadersShortHeaderError |
1266 | TemplateHeaderContainsDuplicatesError |
1267 | TemplateLocationNotesStoreIdFieldLengthError |
1268 | TemplateLocationNotesNoteValueFieldLengthError |
1280 | TemplateInvalidPhoneError |
1281 | TemplateDuplicateTelecomRecordError |
1282 | TemplateTelecomRecordExistsError |
1290 | TemplateInvalidCategory |
1291 | TemplateDifferentRanksForProviderAssignments |
1292 | TemplateDuplicateRankError |
1293 | TemplateProviderNonCompliant |
13xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
1301 | EmptyRequest |
14xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
1400 | StoreIdRequiredError |
1401 | InvalidUserIdError |
1402 | InvalidStoreIdError |
1403 | AmbigiousError |
1404 | MliHierarchyFiledsCountError |
1405 | MliHierarchyMaxUserNameError |
1406 | MliHierarchyDuplicateUserError |
1407 | MLiHirarchyUserExistInOtherLevelError |
15xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
1501 | GetRuleSetListError |
1502 | RuleSetDuplicateNameError |
1503 | RuleSetDuplicateActionError |
1504 | RuleSetConflictedActionError |
1505 | RuleSetRuleSetDoesNotExistsError |
1506 | RuleSetTradeDoesNotExistError |
1507 | RuleSetCategoryDoesNotExistError |
1508 | RuleSetMliLevelDoesNotExistError |
1509 | GetRuleSet |
1510 | CreateUpdateRuleSetError |
1511 | DeleteRuleSet |
1512 | GetRuleSetCategoriesTradesCountError |
1513 | GetRuleSetByInvoice |
1514 | GetCategoryTradeIdsAreSelectedError |
1515 | ProposalAboveMlpLimitError |
17xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
1700 | UserFilterGetError |
1701 | UserFilterCreateUpdateError |
1702 | UserFilterDeleteError |
1703 | UserFilterSetAsDefaultError |
20xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
2001 | PaymenowScProviderIdOrFbCompanyIdMustBeProvided |
2002 | PaymenowBannersForProvidersOnly |
2003 | PaymenowFeatureDisabled |
2004 | PaymenowBannerInfoNotFound |
2005 | PaymenowBannerInvalidNavigationUrl |
2006 | PaymenowRequestedProvidersIsNotAssigned |
2007 | PaymenowEmptyRequestedProviders |
21xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
2100 | PaymentManagerFeatureDisabled |
2101 | PaymentManagerFeatureDisabledForSubscriber |
2102 | PaymentSystemCurrentlyUnavailable |
2103 | CurrencyNotSupported |
2104 | PaymentSystemAccountNotFound |
2105 | FeatureIsOff |
2106 | EarlyPayFeatureWithoutPaymentManagetFeatureError |
2107 | FtpTestError |
2108 | AcceptTermsAndConditionsRequestInvalid |
2109 | PaymentSystemAccountError |
2110 | SendReportToFTP |
2111 | SchedulingError |
2112 | BadPaymentData |
2113 | InvoicesCanNotBeRepaid |
2114 | InvoicesCanNotBeRescheduled |
24xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
2400 | BadgeVerificationFailed |
2401 | BadgeTempPassEmpty |
2402 | BadgeScanRequired |
25xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
2500 | SolvedIssueInvalidSubscriber |
2501 | SolvedIssueInvalidLocationId |
2502 | SolvedIssueInvalidCategoryId |
2503 | SolvedIssueInvalidTradeId |
2504 | SolvedIssueInvalidPriorityId |
2505 | SolvedIssueInvalidSource |
2506 | SolvedIssueInvalidProblemCode |
26xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
2600 | SubmitFeedbackErrorWoStatus |
2601 | SubmitFeedbackInvalidAnswer |
2602 | SubmitFeedbackInvalidTrackingNumber |
2603 | SubmitFeedbackInvalidSubscriber |
2604 | SubmitFeedbackInvalidScore |
2605 | SubmitFeedbackUnsatisfactoryCommentRequired |
2606 | SubmitFeedbackInvalidReviewId |
2607 | SubmitFeedbackInvalidSetupId |
27xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
2700 | S3SaveError |
2701 | AbsSaveError |
28xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
2800 | GoodDataLoginFailed |
2801 | GoodDataElementUriError |
2802 | GoodDataReportResultUriError |
2803 | GoodDataReportResultEmpty |
2804 | GoodDataDesReportResCountError |
2805 | GoodDataDesReportResConvertError |
2806 | GoodDataDesDisplayFormAttributeEmpty |
30xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3001 | InvalidProposalAmountLimit |
31xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3100 | AssetTypeDuplicateNameError |
3101 | AssetTypeDoesntExistError |
3102 | AssetTypeFailUpdateRefrigerantPurpose |
3103 | AssetTypeDeleteFailed |
3104 | ExistingAssetsFoundForAssetType |
3105 | CantModifyAssetTypeParentId |
3106 | InvalidAssetTypeName |
3107 | AssetTypeInheritanceError |
3108 | ExistingProposalsFoundForAssetType |
3109 | InstallPurchaseDateOverflow |
32xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3200 | PartsChangeFailed |
3201 | PartsReasonCodeError |
3202 | PartsUseDateError |
3203 | PartsRefrigerantAlreadyExists |
3204 | PartsChargeHistoryAlreadyExists |
3205 | PartsNotFound |
3206 | BulkPartUseIncorrectWorkOrder |
3207 | BulkPartsByIdsNotFound |
3208 | BulkPartsMultipleWosError |
3209 | BulkPartsIncorrectIsRefrigerantParam |
3210 | BulkPartsIsRefrigerantCanNotbeChanged |
3211 | BulkPartsReasonCodeChangeError |
3212 | BulkPartsInvalidAssetAndReasonCodeParams |
3213 | BulkPartsInvalidAssetId |
3214 | BulkPartsInvalidInitialChargeCode |
3215 | BulkPartsAssetDoesntContainCharge |
3216 | BulkPartsIsInventoryFlagError |
3217 | BulkPartsLeakAlreadyInProcessError |
3218 | BulkPartsInvalidDateRangeError |
3219 | BulkPartsMoeNumberRequiredError |
33xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3301 | BadNotificationSubsciptionEventType |
34xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3401 | MlpImportLevelError |
3402 | UpdateMlpUserLevelError |
35xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3501 | InvalidHolidayName |
3502 | DuplicateHolidayName |
3503 | HolidaysDeleteFailed |
3504 | HolidaysExcludeInsertFailed |
3505 | HolidaysUpdateFailed |
3506 | HolidaysInsertFailed |
3507 | HolidaysExcludeDeleteFailed |
3508 | BusinessHoursDeleteFailed |
3509 | BusinessHoursUpdateFailed |
3510 | BusinessHoursInsertFailed |
3511 | InvalidTime |
3512 | HolidayForDeleteNotFound |
36xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3601 | InvalidChecklistId |
37xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3701 | NoLinkBetweenSubscriberAndProvider |
38xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
3801 | WorkforceCreateContractorError |
40xx Error Codes
Error Code | Reason |
4000 | MaxThresholdExceeded |
4001 | MaxTriggerRateExceeded |
4002 | LeakPriorityIsRequired |