Sandbox Mode

2 minute read

In sandbox mode, you can safely explore the ServiceChannel API, debug your application, or try and test our new methods. Data on the Production environment always remains intact.

Sandbox2 Environment

We have created a dedicated environment to help you develop your apps and test our API. It is called Sandbox2, or simply SB2:

See Sandbox2 Environment for more information.

Testing Options

You have two options for testing our API:

  • Quick testing is better for exploring our API before developing your ServiceChannel-API-based app. Use our sandbox credentials and work in the Sandbox2 environment. You need to complete only one step — obtain an access token.
  • Full testing is for building and debugging your applications. Use your credentials and work in the Sandbox2 environment. You need to complete all steps of the authentication process.

Sandbox Credentials

You can use these credentials to quickly try and test our API. We also use them for code examples in our guides.

Credential Value Note
Subscriber ID 2014917243 API SANDBOX
Subscriber username SC-Dev1  
Subscriber password servicechannel1  
Provider ID 2000090505 LF Incorporated LLC
Provider username TestApi1  
Provider password TestApi123  
client_id SB.2014917243.70943550-9974-41E7-8B38-CA8C8C024262  
client_secret 1C600CB7-4D24-4787-BB3E-ACD2B2FBF745  

Get an Access Token

To obtain access_token, send a POST request to the token endpoint. If you act as a subscriber, copy our example request as is. However, if you act as a provider, edit the request using the sandbox credentials.

POST /oauth/token

Header Value
Authorization Basic {encoded client_id:client_secret}
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameter Parameter type Value
username Body SC-Dev1
password Body servicechannel1
grant_type Body password

Example request:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Example response:

   "access_token": "AAEAAI44ctDQrQ007-wz-r0IyNgUCgz1QAaqbYqhmh30LuOfccRds-OLhwVPg4LDm2m4VR_OIoKiqJzOa8BRPb00pYqZikB11pRP71ttkp6oi6urPYwzT09wJKkXkfc6kT1z5888K7TtEhI3WjUF-rg_LLhQSDswsgfuulDXuKSy6dBVlIdpTf8hxRjiPSPvdJh8djuG-jPTXiss6XIo6RYMi35koX1wSPpRo6xwydpDHLpY6MztSbcjeqoYKmdYk8mP8SpOwQZjZRkdvBre88oyIuIbbtn9Letu-4V4JZygY5vgkrdbXAK7bZnRtUE06i8D9z0XAmOrmpKSlYjcaSnY1wv0AQAAAAEAAAJLJPJwWr7YwN7yv6LkOAydQqsfYFta5wFgcFZR0P8qXXGIHp6lt3HFVmGFXWeXOR_6ny6jPaKxop9uEyCl_v2pYWdLebcOaS1KZhpJVqA-b17e3ZFwKTtr3fdXw2mPo5NYsQCRPPGpxphCjcQI_bsidXHsZpiVdYGtQrVdkcZcDxoN1mkwzKWnrjsFPFHKIU251AUmRZYgLcjKhAqYy-0E7Gg5mKwcHL0D2_UUie4om1CHaLBiyHQnVWbSZ5ccjllh2SWxtuiuQI4IM0z_8IuZrVKh3KarMjBeSGsWAKELnGUvoZUahPq5tsQrdph8U1gAhyeoJg3HshXlXI3szX-0bMXqm0r4px4Hz58xSDR6W_SPnbefZwp_lD-dUlDewbdaOMGY32zgZlpz8dF3zOkTkdOQShpDjO_egktdj_zX0k9VH1N_TgGfZWtb_40ihvvydDncycwvieITRc3r29mxjdo65bPl0diJYMhKRVnr-hd9ZBQQtEdBwvMPq0hNbokXaIsFy9tyy5v7f-O4ozulAcjTcbzeU1K6zbPX5HPIvfb3YtyqOGDDp-YbiH7bHkZlM6_s56zXEJKF0h37VR66lBuFHcRwe1coaSjI2-REv4PqqFYd5qrOocyhwvAlJrY8gU5LWBAIISC0aTE5pl8",
   "token_type": "bearer",
   "expires_in": 600,
   "refresh_token": "gDoX!IAAAABzoOUZoBUUClEEOpCf3xYKU55aGu3FaKPg5hxqkwPTN0QAAAAF73mjZxMcbK5vEoV0NxWzyvZf360UzacuRN-J5KWmL6gQYVwwMy6xR7bzMGm7AbNJtL52ydc2vKXIj3D5dqILIHFZfoI0igTlvwkYtvChkCAh-ocRRGqTVb2n2KKvhUFTZnrTInMG5K313YPdPP21yPUJIF442VabkkRrADN2X6rrlZGIe9vKtJfUnnJdMRs-TvsGQLBulBNx5FxvFlj1sWB92wE2L-ns_OKyMDT0p0f3EoBVsH2rgtrSiX7JVgGAFoCUA3LZO_y-fGE4deLJq"

Response code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The response body contains access_token. Use this token to access our API.

Important: Your access_token expires after a set time period, so you need to refresh it to continue calling our API. See Regenerate an Access Token for detailed instructions.


Our API is accessible by almost anything that can make HTTP requests, so you can use your favorite REST client to interact with our API. We recommend using the built-in Swagger Explorer, Postman, or Fiddler.

Swagger Explorer

Get confident on the playground of the Swagger explorer that is built into our API Reference. It is simple, contains all the necessary information, and features a one-click authorization.


You can also use the Postman API client to test the ServiceChannel API.


All examples in our guides have a raw HTTP format representation, so you can try Fiddler to run these examples and debug your HTTP calls. Fiddler is free and can be downloaded from the Telerik official site.
