
3 minute read

Failed requests happen, but most failed requests do not happen by accident.

This page will help you find the best solution to the most common problems that you may encounter when checking in and out.


HTTP code Error code Error message Reason Way out
400 503 Check In/Out is premature You are checking in/out before the WO call date. Check in/out between the WO call date and the location date plus 24 hours.
400 503 Check In/Out time should be close to current time on location You are checking in/out after the current location date plus 24 hours. Check in/out between the WO call date and the location date plus 24 hours.
400 503 Check In/Out is out of date The difference between the WO call date and the current location date is more than 168 hours (7 days). Check in/out between the location date minus 168 hours and the location date plus 24 hours.
400 924 No changes can be made to this maintenance work order because it is (expired or premature) The expiration date of the maintenance WO is less than the current location date. Check in/out between the call date and the expiration date.

For detailed rules and illustrations, see Check-In/Out Date and Check-In/Out Date for Maintenance WOs.


HTTP code Error code Error message Reason Way out
400 924 Can’t do check in/out: out of “…” mile range. The technician’s position is out of the location range. Edit the latitude and longitude of the technician’s current position.
400 503 Provide your location to perform checkin/checkout Your API request is missing the GPS coordinates. Add the latitude and longitude of the technician’s current position.
400 924 This store does not have GPS coordinates available The location has no GPS coordinates. The subscriber should update the location with the GPS coordinates.

See Technician’s Current Position for more info.


HTTP code Error code Error message Reason Way out
400 921 Cannot update work order in ‘completed’ status The WO is in one of the “completed” statuses. Try checking in/out using other WO.
400 502 WorkOrder not found The WO was voided or was not found. Try checking in/out using other WO.
400 924 Work order has been invoiced and cannot be changed The WO was invoiced. Try checking in/out using other WO.
400 904 User does not have extended status “…” of primary status “…”. This extended WO status does not exist, or you don’t have permission to use it. Send an API request using only the PrimaryStatus parameter set to NoStatusChange, InProgress, WaitingForQuote, PartsOnOrder, Incomplete, or Completed.

Check Work Order Status for the rules.


HTTP code Error code Error message Reason Way out
403 804 User has no permissions to perform this action No XML permission. The providers should ask their subscriber to sign the Contractor Request Form for Web Service Integration.
400 924 As of now client subscriber’s name is not participating in the GPS CHECK-IN application. Please continue to use IVR for this client. No GPS check-in/out permission. The subscriber should ask ServiceChannel to enable this permission.

See Check-In/Our Permissions to learn how permissions are obtained.


HTTP code Error code Error message Reason Way out
400 503 The user has already been checked in You have already performed a check-in. Perform a check-out or perform a check-in using other UserId.
400 503 The user hasn’t been checked in You have not performed a check-in. Perform a check-in before checking out.
400 503 Work Type Not Found The work type that you’ve passed is not used by the subscriber. Retrieve the subscriber’s work types.
400 503 Request data is empty The request body is missing. Add the check-in/out request object to the request body.
400 917 Invalid Tracking Number The work order ID is incorrect. Check the provided workorderId.
