Types of Events

4 minute read

Events are at the core of webhooks.

We support 70 events, with more coming soon. The events in the table below are grouped by object.

Note: The event name follows an ObjectEvent pattern. The first part of the name is the object name, while the second part is the event title. The WorkOrderCheckIn and WorkOrderCheckOut events, however, do not follow this pattern and belong to the CheckInAndOut object.

Object Event Description
WorkOrder WorkOrderCreated A work order is generated.
WorkOrder WorkOrderNoteAdded A note is added to a work order. Usually means that the status, scheduled date, completed date, description, etc. is updated.
WorkOrder WorkOrderStatusChanged A work order status is updated.
WorkOrder WorOrderAttachmentAdded An attachment is added to a work order.
WorkOrder WorkOrderPriorityChanged A priority of a work order is changed.
WorkOrder WorkOrderScheduledDateChanged A scheduled date of a work order is updated.
WorkOrder WorkOrderTradeChanged A work order trade is changed.
WorkOrder WorkOrderNteChanged A not-to-exceed amount is modified.
WorkOrder WorkOrderCategoryChanged A work order category is updated.
WorkOrder WorkOrderTechnicianAssigned A work order is assigned to a technician.
Note: Trade and Category filters are not available for this event.
WorkOrder WorkOrderTechnicianUnassigned A work order is detached from a technician.
Note: Trade and Category filters are not available for this event.
WorkOrder WorkOrderTechnicianAccepted A technician accepted a work order.
Note: Trade and Category filters are not available for this event.
WorkOrder WorkOrderLinksAdded A link to another work order is added to the current work order.
WorkOrder WorkOrderLinksDeleted A link to another work order is deleted from a work order.
WorkOrder WorkOrderLabelAdded A label is added to a work order.
WorkOrder WorkOrderLabelDeleted A label is deleted from a work order.
WorkOrder WorkOrderDescriptionChanged A problem description of a work order is changed.
WorkOrder WorkOrderResolutionCreated A resolution is added to a work order.
WorkOrder WorkOrderResolutionUpdated A resolution to a work order is updated.
WorkOrder WorkOrderRootCauseCodeCreated A root cause code is added to a work order.
WorkOrder WorkOrderRootCauseCodeUpdated A root cause code to a work order is updated.
CheckInAndOut WorkOrderCheckIn A check-in is reported.
CheckInAndOut WorkOrderCheckOut A check-out is reported.
Invoice InvoiceCreated An invoice is generated.
Invoice InvoiceOpen An invoice status is changed to OPEN.
Invoice InvoiceApproved An invoice is accepted and can move forward for payment.
Invoice InvoiceOnHold An invoice is put on hold and requires further review before being approved or rejected.
Invoice InvoiceReviewed A multi-level invoice (MLI) is being reviewed.
Invoice InvoiceRejected An invoice is denied as costs or details are not agreed upon. May require the provider to resubmit the invoice after discussion with the subscriber.
Invoice InvoiceApprovalCodeChanged An invoice approval code is changed.
Invoice InvoiceVoided An invoice is voided by a provider.
Invoice InvoicePaid An invoice is paid by the client.
Invoice InvoiceDisputed An invoice is disputed as the entered tax was not verified by our Sales Tax Validation module.
Invoice InvoiceStarAdded An invoice is marked with a star.
Invoice InvoiceStarRemoved A star is removed from an invoice.
Proposal ProposalCreated A proposal is generated.
Proposal ProposalOpen A proposal status is changed to OPEN.
Proposal ProposalApproved A proposal is approved.
Proposal ProposalOnHold A proposal is put on hold and requires further review.
Proposal ProposalReviewed A multi-level proposal (MLP) is being reviewed.
Proposal ProposalRejected A proposal is denied as costs or details are not agreed upon.
Proposal ProposalUserAssigned A proposal is assigned to another user.
Proposal ProposalWorkOrderAssigned A proposal is assigned to a work order.
Proposal ProposalVoided A proposal is voided by a provider.
Proposal ProposalScheduled A proposal is scheduled by a provider.
Proposal ProposalAttachmentAdded An attachment is added to the proposal.
Private Invitation Events FbInvitationAccepted A provider has accepted a subscriber’s invitation to Private Network in Fixxbook.
Important: You cannot add rules for the FbInvitationAccepted event.
Location LocationCreated A location is created.
Location LocationUpdated A location is updated.
Location LocationDeleted A location is deleted.
Location LocationNoteHeaderCreated A location note header is created.
Location LocationNoteHeaderUpdated A location note header is updated.
Location LocationNoteHeaderDeleted A location note header is deleted.
Location LocationNotesChanged Location notes are changed.
Subscriber SubscriberCategoryCreated A category is created for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberCategoryUpdated A category is updated for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberCategoryDeleted A category is deleted from the list of the subscriber’s categories.
Subscriber SubscriberTradeCreated A trade is created for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberTradeUpdated A trade is updated for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberTradeDeleted A trade is deleted from the list of the subscriber’s trades.
Subscriber SubscriberPriorityCreated A priority is created for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberPriorityUpdated A priority is updated for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberPriorityDeleted A priority is deleted from the list of the subscriber’s priorities.
Subscriber SubscriberStatusCreated The status is created for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberStatusUpdated The status is updated for the subscriber.
Subscriber SubscriberStatusDeleted The status is deleted from the list of the subscriber’s statuses.
ServiceProvider/Contract ProviderTradeAssigned A provider is assigned to a trade.
ServiceProvider/Contract ProviderTradeUnassigned A provider is unassigned from a trade.
Checklist CheckListCreated A checklist is created.
Checklist CheckListUpdated A checklist is updated.
Checklist CheckListDeleted A checklist is deleted.
Checklist CheckListResponseAdded A response is added to the checklist.
Checklist CheckListResponseUpdated A response to the checklist is deleted.
IssueList IssueListAssigned An issue list is assigned to a dashboard.
Asset AssetCreated An asset is created.
Asset AssetUpdated An asset is updated.
LeakRecord LeakRecordCreated A leak record is created.
LeakRecord LeakRecordUpdated A leak record is updated.
LeakRecord LeakRecordDeleted A leak record is deleted.
