Submit a Checklist Response

5 minute read

Typically, technicians complete checklists in the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app when performing work on service requests for which checklists are triggered. Let’s try to do this via the API.

Step 1. Get the Required Data

First, make sure the work order you are submitting checklist responses for is opened for a trade and category for which a checklist is configured. Keep in mind that checklists are created for unique combinations of trade and category. If the feature that allows enabling checklists for specific locations is turned on for a subscriber, double-check that the service request is created for the right location.

Second, obtain the IDs of the provider and technician on whose behalf you want to submit responses.


Provider ID is a unique numeric identifier of the provider in the ServiceChannel system.

Subscribers can use the following methods to get the Id of the required provider.

Provider users who have access to Provider Automation can see the company ID in the lower-right corner of the home page.

Third, save the IDs of checklist questions. You can find them by sending the request to get checklists.

Step 2. Answer Checklist Questions

Let’s complete the Outdoor Lighting Checklist we retrieved earlier. We will submit checklist responses for work order #180088351 belonging to the Electrical trade and Repair category on behalf of a technician Adam Dover who hasn’t yet performed any work on the request.

POST /checklists/CheckListResponse

Header Value
Content-Type multipart/form-data; boundary=—-WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Parameter Parameter type Description
CheckListResponseRequest formData Request to submit a response to a checklist question.
See below for details.
file formData Attachment that supports your response to a checklist question. Usually, technicians add a picture.

CheckListResponseRequest object

Parameter Parameter type Required Description
CheckListQuestionID Integer Required ID of the checklist question you are submitting a response for.
CheckListQuestionOptionID Integer Required for Selector questions ID of the answer option configured for a Selector question.
ProviderID Integer Required ID of the provider on whose behalf you are submitting a response.
TechnicianID Integer Required ID of the technician on whose behalf you are submitting a response.
Answer String Required for all question types except Selector Answer to a checklist question of the following types:
 • Acknowledgement. Valid values: on, off, 1, 0, true, false, yes, no.
 • Text Entry. Enter a text answer. The maximum length is 500 characters.
 • Numeric Input. Submit a number.
FreeTextAnswer String See Description Comment to an answer option with the IsConditionalFollowUp attribute. Answer options are configured for Selector questions.
EntityID Integer Required Unique ID of the work order for which you are creating a response to a checklist question.
Attempt Integer Required Order of a technician’s on-site visit you are submitting a checklist response for.

Note that CheckListQuestionID, ProviderID, TechnicianID, EntityID, and Attempt are required parameters for all question types.

Acknowledgement Question

Question Id QuestionType PictureFlag
Are you wearing protective gear? 3834 0 — Acknowledgement 2 — Uploading an attachment is mandatory.

Our technician Adam is wearing protective gear on site, so the answer to this question is positive. Passing on, 1, true, or yes in Answer in the request is equivalent to enabling the toggle for this question in the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app.

Since uploading an attachment is required for this question, we will add a picture to the response.

Example request for an Acknowledgement question:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="CheckListResponseRequest"
   "CheckListQuestionID": 3834,
   "ProviderID": 2000090505,
   "TechnicianID": 371122,
   "Answer": "on",
   "EntityID": 180088351,
   "Attempt": 1
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="/C:/protective-gear.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg


Example response

   "CheckListResponse": {
      "CheckListQuestionId": 3834,
      "CheckListQuestionOptionId": null,
      "ProviderId": 2000090505,
      "TechnicianId": 371122,
      "Id": 1932333,
      "Answer": "on",
      "FreeTextAnswer": null,
      "EntityId": 180088351,
      "EntityTypeId": 0,
      "Attempt": 1,
      "UpdatedDate": "2021-06-07T09:50:05.893",
      "UpdatedDateDto": "2021-06-07T09:50:05.893-04:00"
   "CheckListResponsePicture": {
      "Id": 114012,
      "CheckListResponseId": 1932333,
      "DocumentName": "protective-gear.jpg",
      "DocumentPath": "#workorders/02619396-ae81-471d-8a78-f80b4d805bad",
      "ThumbnailPath": "#workorders/21417c6f-83b0-4a50-90e9-b372c4a6b0f8",
      "HasThumbnail": true,
      "UpdatedBy": null

Selector Question

Question Id QuestionType PictureFlag
Are all entrance lights functioning properly? 3835 1 — Selector 0 — Adding an attachment is optional.
CheckListQuestionOptions IsConditionalFollowUp
4856 — Yes false — A user comment for an answer option is not enabled.
4857 — No (please explain) true — A user can enter a comment for an answer option.

When entering the location, Adam noticed that one entrance light was blinking. Since not all lights are functioning properly, we will select No (please explain) by passing the answer option number in CheckListQuestionOptionId. We should also leave a comment in FreeTextAnswer because a text input field is enabled for this option, and answering this checklist question is required.

Example request for a Selector question:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="CheckListResponseRequest"

   "CheckListQuestionID": 3835,
   "CheckListQuestionOptionId": 4857,
   "ProviderID": 2000090505,
   "TechnicianID": 371122,
   "FreeTextAnswer": "One light is blinking",
   "EntityID": 180088351,
   "Attempt": 1

Example response

   "CheckListResponse": {
      "CheckListQuestionId": 3835,
      "CheckListQuestionOptionId": 4857,
      "ProviderId": 2000090505,
      "TechnicianId": 371122,
      "Id": 1932655,
      "Answer": "No (please explain)",
      "FreeTextAnswer": "One light is blinking",
      "EntityId": 180088351,
      "EntityTypeId": 0,
      "Attempt": 1,
      "UpdatedDate": "2021-06-07T10:20:48.073",
      "UpdatedDateDto": "2021-06-07T10:20:48.073-04:00"
   "CheckListResponsePicture": {
      "Id": 0,
      "CheckListResponseId": 0,
      "DocumentName": null,
      "DocumentPath": null,
      "ThumbnailPath": null,
      "HasThumbnail": null,
      "UpdatedBy": null

Text Entry Question

Question Id QuestionType PictureFlag
Please specify if you see any dark areas in the parking lot that could be a safety risk. 3836 2 — Text Entry 1 — An attachment is not required.

The location’s parking lot is perfectly lit, so the technician enters a comment about that in Answer.

Example request for a Text Entry question:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="CheckListResponseRequest"

   "CheckListQuestionID": 3836,
   "ProviderID": 2000090505,
   "TechnicianID": 371122,
   "Answer": "No dark areas",
   "EntityID": 180088351,
   "Attempt": 1

Example response

   "CheckListResponse": {
      "CheckListQuestionId": 3836,
      "CheckListQuestionOptionId": null,
      "ProviderId": 2000090505,
      "TechnicianId": 371122,
      "Id": 1932663,
      "Answer": "no dark areas",
      "FreeTextAnswer": null,
      "EntityId": 180088351,
      "EntityTypeId": 0,
      "Attempt": 1,
      "UpdatedDate": "2021-06-07T10:21:46.94",
      "UpdatedDateDto": "2021-06-07T10:21:46.94-04:00"
   "CheckListResponsePicture": {
      "Id": 0,
      "CheckListResponseId": 0,
      "DocumentName": null,
      "DocumentPath": null,
      "ThumbnailPath": null,
      "HasThumbnail": null,
      "UpdatedBy": null

Numeric Input Question

Question CheckListQuestionID QuestionType PictureFlag
How many lights need repair or replacement? 3837 4 — Numeric Input 0 — Adding an attachment is optional.

Only one step is left to complete the checklist. To summarize their visit, the technician specifies in Answer that one light needs repair or replacement and adds a picture to the response.

Example request for a Numeric Input question:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="CheckListResponseRequest"

   "CheckListQuestionID": 3837,
   "ProviderID": 2000090505,
   "TechnicianID": 371122,
   "Answer": 1,
   "EntityID": 180088351,
   "Attempt": 1
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="/C:/light-bulb.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg


Example response

   "CheckListResponse": {
      "CheckListQuestionId": 3837,
      "CheckListQuestionOptionId": null,
      "ProviderId": 2000090505,
      "TechnicianId": 371122,
      "Id": 1932693,
      "Answer": "1",
      "FreeTextAnswer": null,
      "EntityId": 180088351,
      "EntityTypeId": 0,
      "Attempt": 1,
      "UpdatedDate": "2021-06-07T10:23:32.343",
      "UpdatedDateDto": "2021-06-07T10:23:32.343-04:00"
   "CheckListResponsePicture": {
      "Id": 114062,
      "CheckListResponseId": 1932693,
      "DocumentName": "light-bulb.jpg",
      "DocumentPath": "#workorders/ab06d9f6-c87e-40ef-8842-94db43f33b05",
      "ThumbnailPath": "#workorders/37f2ab61-18bf-4b8f-a1f9-210cd540ca46",
      "HasThumbnail": true,
      "UpdatedBy": null

Response code: HTTP/1.1 201 Created

If the request succeeds, each checklist response you submitted is assigned a unique Id, and two objects — CheckListResponse and CheckListResponsePicture — are returned.
